- Removed a flower from a shadow grass texture
- The behaviour that NPCs often fail to close their front door has been fixed and should now work.
- Added quest goal areas for some quests.
- in the build, cook, magic menu the tooltip now appears automatically above the ingredients and the result
- in the trade menu the tooltip now also appears automatically in the list of the trader and the items for sale.
- in the inventory or in the chest, everything remains the same.
- Corrected some text emotes that were incorrectly assigned since the last redesign.
- Reduced the number of fogtextures for netbook mode.
Patch notes V1.25
the normal mice have a little less appetite for vegetables again.
Reminder for the important summer event in Woodhome added (if you forget this you have to wait a whole year).
When harvesting ground covers, sometimes a mistake was made and the seed texture was displayed instead of the plant texture.
Fixed a bug in the subtraction of the cost of the energy from the harvesting tools. It was possible to regain energy by using it on empty fields.